The Importance of Commercial Restroom Cleaning

MV Pro Services

The Importance of Commercial Restroom Cleaning

How Does a Clean Restroom Impact Your Business?

M&V Pro Services has over 25 years of commercial cleaning experience in the Northern Indiana Area, and we always appreciate when businesses take additional care for their facilities. It is no secret to us that commercial businesses where management focuses on having clean restroom have increased productivity, morale, and retention. Environment, Health, and Safety Today writes:

“83 percent [of u.s. workers] – believe that the state and cleanliness of their workplace restrooms is one indicator of how a company values its employees.”


Additionally, your bathroom cleanliness can make or break your business’s reputation.

“according to the 10th Annual Healthy Hand Washing Survey by Bradley Corp”… “64% of consumers make a conscious decision to choose a business based on the fact that it has cleaner, well-maintained restrooms. Women are even more likely to be drawn to pleasing restrooms compared to men (67% vs. 61%).”

- Source

Today, the rise of social media gives customers the opportunity to share photos or videos of a businesses unhygienic restroom online, potentially affecting future customers. In fact: apps like “Squat or Not” & “Flush” already exist for others to rate your facilities, showing why keeping a clean bathroom is essential to your business. This article will highlight the key benefits of consistent commercial bathroom cleaning.

Commercial Cleaning Experts

Making your commercial restroom is spotless.

What a Clean Bathroom Can Accomplish For Your Business:

A professionally cleaned restroom can Develop Trust With Your Customers 

Trust is a fundamental part of any relationship, and helps a business thrive. Clients can develop a negative perception of your business if your restrooms are not properly maintained, and a positive perception if they are well kept.

A survey was taken from 2,036 adults in the United States and 74% stated a dirty bathroom would lead to a negative opinion of that business. This negative perception can lead to distrust from your client base. Customers could choose to do business elsewhere if they have reason to distrust your other business operations such as billing, customer service, etc.

A professionally cleaned restroom can Reduce Customer Complaints 

A satisfied customer is a repeat customer. A clean restroom can represent your business’s values and your dedication to your customers’ happiness. According to the 2016 Bradley Company Hand Washing Survey: it was revealed that “consumers would like to see in public restrooms include more frequent cleaning, access to all touchless fixtures, regular stocking of materials, and lots of paper towels – even if there are dryers.” - Source

Based on this information, it’s clear that customers will appreciate the extra effort your company put into the restroom cleanliness and potentially even encourage new customers while staying longer at your business.

A professionally cleaned restroom can Prevent the spread of disease

Today more than ever, consumers are more conscious of germs and the spreading of disease. According to the Restroom Experience Survey 202 with a total of 580 survey respondents by Zurn Industries, LLC, August 2020:

“84% of the survey respondents said they are generally concerned about exposure from people around them, a large majority (67%) also worried about catching germs and viruses from surfaces. This sentiment carries the most weight in restrooms.People tend to touch many of the same surfaces in restrooms allowing germs/viruses to spread more easily.”

- Source

You want to prevent the spread of disease by regularly sanitizing your restroom. Keeping your employees healthy will benefit your business.Bathrooms can thrive with germs and mold if not kept clean. Hire a professional company to take the proper cleaning steps to help fight the battle of spreading disease.

A professionally cleaned restroom can Prevent the loss of business

Positive brand awareness goes hand in hand with your reputation. You want people to be aware of your brand for the right reasons. A dirty restroom should not be associated with your brand while clean restrooms will only enhance your customer's experience to be positive. They can spread brand awareness through their positive experience.

According to Cintas Corporation, when asked what specific types of businesses participants would avoid if they encountered dirty restrooms, adults reported the following:

  • Restaurants - 79 percent

  • Hotels - 79 percent

  • Health Care Facilities - 77 percent

  • Supermarkets - 50 percent

  • Retail Stores - 45 percent

  • Gas Stations - 45 percent

  • Car Dealerships - 39 percent

Your brand wants to be recognized for their diligence and care! This positive message can be spread with the cleanliness of your facilities. 

M&V Pro Services is known for our diligence and care so let us help boost your brand awareness. We want to ensure you that your brand will be given the proper time and attention needed. 

Additional Resources on The Importance of Commercial Restroom cleaning:

Closing notes: 

At M&V pro services we want to educate on the impact of their restroom upkeep.  We hope this article’s information was useful to you. We want to help spread the word of the importance of regular sanitation in public facilities. 

Commercial Cleaning professionals can aid in the voice of your brand in your community. It has been scientifically proven that employees and customers are happier in a clean positive environment.

M&V Pro Services want you to know we care about  your business. Let our cleaning speak for itself! Contact us today to get a quote. You can schedule an appointment below: